PN10 to PN100 - 150Lbs to 600Lbs
DN10 to DN400 - 3/8" à 16"
Notes :
Some options are not compatible
Special valve can be designed upon request
DN10 to DN400
PN10 to PN100 - 150Lbs to 600Lbs according to DN
Welded flanges, SW, BW, flanged
25ml, 50ml, 100ml, more...
Stuffing box, pur PTFE or 25% glass charge, graphite packing material, double-sealed stuffing box.
25% PTFE glass, graphite, reinforced graphite, stainless steel graphite or stainless steel PTFE spiral, helicoflex®, viton, kalrez®, EPDM...
Graphite filled PTFE, delrin, glass filled PTFE, stainless steel filled PTFE, nylon, polypropylene, peek, TFM 1600, TF4215...
Steel, stainless steel, duplex or super duplex, inconel, incoloy®, hastelloy®, titane, zirconium, uranus®, nickel, tantale, monel, PVDF
Horizontal mounting, vertical mounting, flanged, mounted on tank, Guillemin, more...
Manual, pneumatic (single or double acting), electrical or hydraulic